"Achievements are lonely without family to share them with."

Emily put God first in everything she did. Her main passions in life were her family and helping others. She selflessly gave back to the community she lived in and spoke out about what she believed in. Emily was involved in missions to better communities across the United States and abroad. She lived for her family and considered her greatest gifts in life, her son, Cullen Micah and her husband Blake. She once said, “I’d much rather reach goals and have adventures with you by my side. Achievements are lonely without family to share them with, so don’t let go of your people for your plans. There may be a better plan in place than you could have ever dreamed.” The work of this foundation is above all modeled after the passions and heart of Emily Marie Bivens. Her memory will live on with the help of your donations as we work to continue the outreach that was Emily’s passion and purpose in life.



Music was ingrained in every part of her life. As a child she started taking piano lessons and fell in love with the art which later led to her degree in music from Averett University. She started teaching piano lessons to kids who wanted to learn the art just like she did at their age. Watching them learn the notes to express themselves through music was such a delight. She believed that so many messages could be portrayed through music; from leading people to Christ to soothing a crying baby. She proudly played the piano at her local church and shared the love of God through her music. As we worked to form this wonderful foundation that would be a memorial to the wonderful person that she was and to continue the works that she began we knew music should be at the heart of it. Seeing children grow in the art and spread the love of music to others is what the Emily Marie Bivens Music Scholarship is all about. Each year the recipients will receive a year of music lessons and our piano scholarship recipients will receive their own personal keyboard to practice with at home. Through your kind donations we hope to sponsor many children through the Emily Marie Bivens Memorial Foundation.

"I prayed for you before I heard your precious heartbeat."

Emily worked to raise awareness in the pro-life arena. She believed that life began at conception and worked to promote voting for pro-life legislation. In one of her campaigns she once said, “ Let your vote be their voice. They are children, not choices – sweet, precious, wonderfully made children. What if your vote could save their lives? My heart aches for babies who will never get the opportunity to vote or even to speak.” Her desire to save these tiny little lives became even more deliberate after she carried her precious gift from God. In one of her blog posts she highlighted the love she experienced through carrying her own child. “They told me we wouldn’t get much sleep, that the time would fly, that it would take ages to leave the house. But what I wish they had told me is that, even at 3 something a.m it’s like waking up to a wonderful dream. That I wouldn’t mind the stretch marks or the c- section scar so much because they’re reminders of carrying him. That I would love him so much words couldn’t begin to scratch the surface. That, suddenly, I would realize that the truly big things in life are sometimes very, very tiny. I waited for you for as long as I can remember. I practiced for you, caring for baby dolls and reading to my cat. I prayed for you before I heard your precious heartbeat. And motherhood is so much better than I hoped for.
I’m forever thankful that God made me a mama to you, Cullen Micah!” Emily spent her time advocating for and praying for those tiny precious heartbeats across the nation. As the Emily Marie Bivens Memorial Foundation grows our goal is to advocate in Emily’s name for these precious tiny heartbeats that she prayed fervently for. Through your donations, together we can make a difference.

Want to make a difference?

Every donation is an investment into a life, our community, and our future.